Episode 4: Abu Bakr
The man chosen to lead the muslims after their prophet’s death was his close friend, Abu Bakr. He thus became the world’s first caliph, and was faced with the unenviable […]
I would like to be the first to admit that this episode doesn’t quite belong in this podcast. It’s just that the Arabs will take down two ancient and powerful empires with a swiftness that beggars belief, and this is my attempt at explaining how such an unthinkable act could ever take place. In this episode we discuss the final war the two empires fought with one another, and highlight the state each found itself in before the Arabs emerged from the desert united.
The man chosen to lead the muslims after their prophet’s death was his close friend, Abu Bakr. He thus became the world’s first caliph, and was faced with the unenviable […]
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